In conclusion…

In conclusion, olive oil is a wonderful golden treasure which Greek nature has generously gifted to us. This absolutely natural oil that comes from the fruit of the olive tree, and is extracted mechanically and processed naturally, is a highly important source of good fats and is the “star player” in the Mediterranean diet. It is inseparably linked to well-being, long health, longevity and care for our bodies and is a gift of God which we keep alive and are proud to share with you.

Olive oil is a healthy fatty substance which has a high nutritional value for people of all ages. It owes its importance as a foodstuff to its exceptional natural and biochemical characteristics, and it is these characteristics which give olive oil its indisputable biological and nutritional value. It can either be enjoyed without being cooked (as it is a vegetable oil it can be consumed immediately after it is produced, without any other treatment) or in cooked dishes, or in any other way as it always adds wonderful combinations of flavours. Discover olive oil! Give it the place it deserves in your heart and in your life! It will reward you!!!